Speedy, cost-effective industrial motor rewinds
Electric motor rewinds, repairs and servicing carried out to the highest standards
Electric motor rewinds, repairs and servicing are carried out to the highest standards at Westin Drives. Rewinding has been at the core of our business since it was established in 1921.
Cheap new motors have made the rewinding of standard small frame motors almost redundant, but there is still a big demand for the sort of specialist rewind service provided by our experienced engineers.
We are SKF Certified Rebuilders, one of a handful of UK companies to be granted this accreditation. We are also certified EX motor repairers, qualified to carry out flameproof electric motor repairs.
A rewind is often the fastest, most cost-effective solution for even the smallest of motors, as they may have special features such as non-standard shafts and flanges. Rewinding is the only viable option for obsolete motors.
Our rewinders have years of experience rewinding:
AC single and three-phase motors
Slip ring motors
DC field and armature Brakes
Servo motors.
We can repair motors of any physical size to 3.3Kv. To give our customers the best rewind service, Westin Drives has invested in a portable surge tester. It is used to diagnose problems with windings that arrive for repair and for the final check on jobs before they go back to the customer.

Surge tests are important because they can reveal turn-to-turn insulation weaknesses. Such weaknesses, found at voltages above the operating potential of the device under test, can be signs of an impending motor failure. Surge tests are also used to find shorts and other faults in windings and coils.
Our machine is capable of testing motors up to 12kV. It can also be taken on site for the swift diagnosis of winding problems. In addition, the machine generates a detailed report for the customer on the state of each tested winding.
Servo motors are a type worth rewinding should they require it. As they are often bespoke to the machine they drive, replacement by a new motor can involve long lead times and high prices. It takes skill and experience to rewind such motors as even the smallest mistake during the process could lead to failure. We have been successfully rewinding servo motors for many years.
We continuously try to develop all aspects of our business. For example, we have changed from dipping rewinds in varnish to a cleaner, better quality, higher temperature-rated epoxy. Stripping out old windings plays a major part in ensuring optimal performance and eliminating premature failures. We use the industry-approved method and use a burn-out oven to remove old insulation, allowing fast removal of old coils and minimising the risk of damage to the stator pack.